Hubert Kang

Travel Alberta



Made in Taiwan, assembled in Canada, and reprogrammed in the UK, Hubert Kang has been working internationally in the advertising and documentary industry as a director and photographer for the last decade.

Hubert’s journey as a director hasn’t been the most straightforward one. Having spent five tough years at one of the top business schools in Canada, he then discovered that the path he was truly passionate about was that of a full-time director and photographer. For the next two years, he became a lousy assistant working for some of the greatest photographers today. Hubert went onto study a master’s degree in documentary photography at the London College of Communication which gave him a knack for telling stories in a lyrical and visual language.

Growing up with Eastern and Western influences, Hubert has learned to always look at things with infused perspectives and aesthetics. He is drawn by energy, forms, light, and raw emotions which he mixes with life experiences to communicate what he sees as this fascinating world.